Photos from the Field
Accessing cienagas and the Magdalena River by boat in Colombia
Mixing salt as a tracer to look at hyporheic flow paths in Colorado
Collecting field measurements of channel bifurcation formation by boat along the Swan River in Montana
Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center Fellows presenting at AGU 2023 in San Fransisco
Geomorphology undergraduate students surveying slope morphologies in Greyrock Canyon, CO
Taking a break on the banks of the Rio Nare in Colombia to discuss impacts to the river
Surveying engineered logjam installed at a river restoration site in Colorado as post-project monitoring
Undergraduate student McKenna Presley conducting field research on the Swan River, Montana
Staying afloat while surveying post-flood changes on the Butokama River in Japan
Admiring the mighty Colorado River flowing through the Grand Canyon
Dam removal construction underway in Connecticut
Post-fire field reconnaissance of Little Beaver Creek, CO immediately following the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire
3-D scanning logjams and mid-channel bars using iPad LiDAR scanners
Mixing salt as a tracer for looking at hyporheic flow paths in Colorado
Dr. Ellen Wohl modeling for scale while surveying logjams used for restoration on the Cedar River in Washington
Practicing avalanche safety before going into snowy field environments
Scouting out the North Fork Flathead River in Montana
Flume experiments at CSU's engineering research center looking at how logjam characteristics drive hyporheic exchange